
Showing posts from May, 2017

Buying Bitcoin and investing in BetRobot

Investing BitCoin with BetRobot for beginners If you are new to Bitcoin this may help you. One can buy bitcoin and it will grow in any event, but now there are also opportunities to invest with bitcoin and make extra returns. The purpose of this document is too assist you as easily as possible into bitcoin without days of confusion as to where to go and what to do. Why invest with BetRobot Here’s How Simple This Is: There’s no sponsoring if you don’t want to, it’s simply you earn 6% per day on your deposits for 30-days and if you reinvest the daily profits, it compounds those earnings for much more when you reinvest your profits. As always, I recommend you only put in what you can afford to lose and that you get your original money out as fast as possible. In this case it should be in about 17 days. Example of daily Returns: $100 – Earns $6 per day $1000 – Earns $60 per day $1500 – Earns $90 per day I highly recommend that you watch this YouTube video with Simon who